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Oral History Assignments - Revised

Assignment Details


Well, coronavirus sure put us in a pickle. Instead of working with the Bond Hill community as planned, we will


  • develop hands on history experience conducting oral histories
  • actively participate in the creation of primary sources
  • gain expertise in A/V technology


Grades are assigned based on the quality of work and adherence to the provided description. All writing should be focused, organized, and clean. Peer-review should be rigorous and respectful to your classmates.

Important Dates

  • Sample Questions: 02/20
  • Interview complete by 04/02
  • Transcript & Metadata Draft: 04/02
  • Transcript & Metadata Peer-Review: 04/09
  • Final Transcript Due: 04/16
  • Upload Oral History to COVID-19 Archive: 04/23

Quick Links

Assignment Components

Preparing Questions (10pts)

Y'all did such an amazing job on the questions for BH+R. In case you'd like to keep a copy for yourself and your portfolio, they are linked here.

The new questions for the COVID-19 archive are:

  1. What do you know about the coronavirus?
  2. How are you preparing / have you prepared?
  3. How do you think this pandemic will change society? What will stay the same?
  4. What other crises have you experienced and how did you handle them?

Download the questions and note-taking sheet for your interview.

Interview (10pts)

The method of interview has changed with Ohio's Sheleter-in-Place order. Click here to read about alternatives to the video recording methods we learned in class. Interviews should be about 45 minutes in length.

You will need to fill out this release form either with your interviewee (if in person) or remotely through PDF scans or pictures on your cell phones. You are required to upload both the transcript and metadata sheet to your folder on the shared Google Drive.

Transcripts & Metadata (20pts)

A transcription is a word-for-word written copy of the recorded interview. First drafts of the transcript that you conducted are due on April 2nd and worth 10pts. Read carefully and use this transcription guide to format your transcript.

Final transcripts are due on April 16th.

Before we can deposit the oral history in the COVID-19 Archive, we need to make sure that we have all the necessary metadata. Please visit the metadata page for more information.

You are required to upload both the transcript and metadata sheet to your folder on the shared Google Drive.

Transcript & Metadata Peer-Review (10pts)

You are required to peer-review the transcription and metadata sheets of your original class partner. Review of transcripts includes listening to the full interview alongside the transcript and ensuring that all transcripts comply with the posted style guides.

I suggest you revise the transcripts in-line with track changes on the Google Doc in your partner's assigned folder.

Upload to COVID-19 Archive

With the consent of your interviewee, you are required to upload your oral history interview to A Journal of the Plague Year: An Archive of COVID-19. Please let me know if this your interviewee would prefer to remain anonymous.