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Week 2: Jan 20

Defining Public History


  • Lyon, et. al, Introduction to Public History, chapters 2-8


Public history – who? what? where? why? What factors should be considered when doing good PH work? What is interpretation? What do public historians do?

To Do

Professional Development & Skills: Communication


  • Laura Portwood-Stacer, “How to Email Your Professor” (2016).
    • I know who you are so you can skip element #5 with me 😄, but this is a good model to follow up on professional encounters. (e.g. hi, how are you, this is where we met, this is why I’m writing, thank you so much).
  • Lindsey Wieck, “Practicing Professionalism”


Consider the difference between constructing personal emails and emails on behalf of an institution (both individual and mass messages). What are best practices of both personal and institutional emails?