InStall History (2019)

What is InStall History?

Why, the Finest Bathroom Literature of course!

InStall History logo depicting toilet next to the tagline "the finest bathroom literature"

The Assignment

Work in groups to research a topic of interest about UC’s history

The Mission

Get as many people to read it as possible

The How

Posters in bathroom stalls with QR codes to class blog

The Project

Students divided into three groups who explored the legacy of controversial basketball coach Bob Huggins, race on campus, queer history on campus, and campus’ iconic Crosley Tower. Blogs were released as two part series. You can explore all the blogs at once, or follow the series in progression.

Bob Huggins | “From Final Four to Forced Resignation” (Part I) | “Drunk, Aggressive, and Loud” (Part II)

Race on Campus | “Who is Charles McMicken?” (Part I) | “The ‘Race’ to Inclusion on Campus” (Part II)

Queer History | “Out and About” (Part I) | “The Gay 90s” (Part II)

Crosley Tower | “An Engineer’s Dream” (Part I) | “An Engineer’s Dream Gone Wrong” (Part II)

Explore InStall History


We would like to thank the University of Cincinnati’s Archives & Rare Books, especially Sue Reller who took time to present to the class and meet individually with student research groups.