A Sight that Welcomes Y’all!

Family in front of water tower.Have you ever driven along 71/75 in Northern Kentucky and noticed the large red and white water tower hailing Florence Y’all? Well, that big ol’ landmark is in my backyard and was built in 1974 when I was 2 years old. Originally labeled Florence Mall in anticipation of the new mall coming to the area, but due to preexisting regulations against advertising and the fact that the mall was still a year from being built, the city was forced to change it. At the time the city didn’t have the extra funds to fix it and Mayor C.M. “Hop” Ewing was left in a bind. Legend has it that at breakfast one morning at a local restaurant he was scribbling on a napkin. After managing to take the legs off the M he noticed the letter had formed. He simply added an apostrophe and Florence Y’all became the icon that it is today.  https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/local/florence/2016/07/12/florence-yall-napkin-scribble-nky-landmark/87012174/

You can find the Florence Y’all tower featured as part of the miniature golf course at World of Sports, the annual Florence Y’all Festival, and as a mascot for the Florence Freedom.