Tequila & Taco Guts

Taco guts are (obviously) the inside parts of the tacos. You can eat them with or without the tortilla. Tequila is the drink you drink when you have tacos. Or when it’s Tuesday. Or any day really. This entry has two recipes: Taco Guts and Tequila Drank.

Taco Guts:

As we previously established during the Epic Pepper-Off of March 2020, roasted peppers are a superior product. Roasted onions are also a superior product.

This blog endorses roasted onions regardless of what Anjali says. Luckily, she’s also forgotten how to edit the blog and I control her access, so I’m in the clear and this is official.

Cut up your peppers and onions into strips. Toss them in olive oil and whatever seasoning you prefer. I use Tony’s Cachere’s like always. Use your favorite season-all and just know that if it’s not Tony’s Cachere’s it’s wrong.

Roast the peppers until they’re slightly more done than you’re used to. You’ll thank me. Extra roasty = extra tasty.

Microwave a bag of Spanish rice because that’s where we’re at over here.

Dump a can of black beans into a pot and heat it up. Add the leftover adobo sauce and peppers from the enchiladas you made the other day. Oh, did you miss the enchilada recipe? That’s because we didn’t put it up. Some things must remain secret.

Assemble all the ingredients on your plate with or without a tortilla. Taco guts are good inside or outside tacos. But if you have them outside tacos, you must call them guts and you must be okay with how gross that makes your food sound.

Tequila Drank:

Dig into your fruit drawer and find the oranges that are some confusing combination of squishy and hard. This is the perfect fruit for the Tequila Drank. We had blood oranges.

tequila drank

Step 1: Wash the oranges. Use the peeler and peel off some parts of the rind. I’m sure there’s a word for this but I’m also sure I don’t know it.

Step 2: Juice the oranges.

Step 3: Muddle the orange peels with some sugar in the orange juice.

Step 4: Pour in enough tequila. You decide how much is enough. I won’t judge.

Step 5: Pour in the orange juice. Add some ice.

If you’re feeling really fancy, wipe the rim with the peel for an extra oomph of orange. Then drank.

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