
Tecumseh was a Native American chief of the Shawnee tribe in Ohio Country in the early 19th century. Tecumseh’s brother was responsible for initiating the Battle of Tippecanoe where many of his and Tecumseh’s warriors were lost in battle. As a rebutal, Tecumseh and his warriors fought against American forces in the Battle of Thames in 1913 where Tecumseh lost his life. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tecumseh). Last month I was lucky enough to attend an historical reenactment of Tecumseh in Chilicothe, where Tecumseh grew up. There was real gunshot and cannon noises with fire coming out of the guns and real horses used for the show. It was an unforgettable experience and made me want to learn more.

Tickets for the show at Sugarloaf Amphitheater