Dregs of the Fridge Pasta

The bones of this recipe are simple and repeated over and over on this blog:

  1. Dredge your fridge. Rifle through your freezer.
  2. Pull out all the things that still look like vegetables.
  3. Sauté them up with a [insert sauce type here] sauce.
  4. Add [pasta type].

My specific recipe is as follows:

  1. Pour 1/4 cup water in your pan. Dump a block of frozen spinach into the pan. Wait until it starts to unfrozen.
  2. Add an onion. Or whatever onion pieces you have in your fridge from previous projects that were likely more successful than this one promises to be. Let them boil in your spinach water.
  3. Add the shrivelly tomatoes that you didn’t finish with your hummus the other day. They’re there in the back corner of your fridge. They’re always there, crying because you reneged on all your healthy assurances at the grocery.
  4. When the tomatoes pop and start to turn mushy (assuming they weren’t already in that state when you pulled them from the fridge), pour in the whole jar of pasta sauce.

That’s it. That’s the whole thing. Then just stir in the spaghetti. Or rigatoni. Or farfarelle. Or spingachooni.

Fine. I made the last one up.

Regardless, stirring in the pasta is pretty much the hardest part of this dish.

spaghetti with tomatoes and spinach in a pot
Secret ingredient: probably garlic.

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