The Falls

Last summer, right before the start of my freshman year of college, my uncle texted me and said “Wanna go to Nigeria Falls?” and of course I knew he meant Niagara Falls, so I replied “omg yes.” This was such an impromptu trip, and it was really worth it.

Niagara Falls has such an amazing history, dating back all the way to the Ice Age 12,000+ years ago. Native Americans were the first to live in the region, and the first European to discover it was a French priest, Louis Hennepin. When he returned to France after discovering the falls, he was the one who brought attention to Niagara into the Western world.

The falls themselves have such amazing power, generating electricity was the main attraction to many people wanting to build the industry around the falls. Today, they can generate 2.3 million kilowatts of electricity. When you see the falls in real life, you can truly see the power and force they have.
